Our Community Partners

Bremerton Pump Track
The idea for a Bremerton pump track comes from Bremerton parents and other cycling enthusiasts who want to build a pump track in Bremerton. Phil Babcock, a father of a 2-year-old son, spearheaded the effort by presenting the idea to the Bremerton Parks Commission, who viewed the idea of a Bremerton Parks Pump Track favorably. The Commission suggested promoting the idea to the community and raising seed money for design and construction. A pump track is not in the current Parks and Recreation Open Space Plan, but evidence of broad community support will bring the idea into sharper focus and serious consideration.
West Sound Cycling Club is proud to support our community by helping to raise funds for a paved Bremerton Pump Track. Promoting bicycling and skills development is a core part of our mission.
Donations will initially be used to obtain a track design that has broad community support. The first choice to deliver that design is Velosolutions, the creators of both the Leavenworth and Redmond pump tracks.
Additional donations will provide seed money for matching grants to construct the Bremerton track. Since all donations are made to KCF, KCF will manage your donation and ensure it is used for its intended purpose – building an exciting, paved pump track for our community.
Make a donation to the West Sound Cycling Club Pump Track Project at KCF.
Find out more about pump tracks here.
Bremerton Symphony
Enriching the West Sound with excellent classical music through performance and education.
Founded in 1942, the Bremerton Symphony Association is an incorporated 501(c)3 non-profit organization, which includes the Bremerton Symphony Orchestra, the Bremerton Symphony Chorale, and music education initiatives. The Symphony's mission is to unite and enrich West Sound communities by sharing a passion for live music, preserving artistic tradition, and fostering opportunities for music education. The Symphony's vision is that the West Sound will be an inspired community of supported and connected local arts and artists with opportunities for citizens of all ages to explore creativity and develop talent, and a dedicated home for music within a thriving local economy.
Make a donation to the Bremerton Symphony Association Fund at KCF.
Empowering people to resolve conflict peacefully.
The Dispute Resolution Center of Kitsap County (DRC), a non-profit organization, provides mediation, education, and mental health Ombuds services to help individuals, families and organizations resolve conflict. The DRC services offer people in conflict powerful strategies to open communication and find lasting solutions.
Make a donation to the Dispute Resolution Center Endowment Fund at KCF
Healthy Start
Healthy Start Kitsap provides support for Kitsap County's Nurse-Family Partnership®, a program that provides services to first-time, low-income mothers and their infants from the start of the second trimester of pregnancy to the child's second birthday. The program helps change the lives of mothers and newborns through ongoing home visits from specially trained registered nurses. The nurses build their clients' skills, confidence and optimism. They empower young parents with the skills and abilities to plan their own futures.
Make a donation to the Healthy Start Kitsap Fund at KCF

A place of hope for children and adults with differing abilities.
Holly Ridge Center is a private non-profit agency whose mission is to enable children and adults with differing abilities to reach their fullest potential, creating a positive, lasting impact on the community.
With 50 years of highly specialized experience serving children and adults throughout the Kitsap and Olympic Peninsulas, Holly Ridge Center successfully fulfills its mission through two program areas:
Infant Toddler Program (ITP), a neurodevelopmental center that provides early intervention services to children birth to three that present with developmental delays or are medically fragile. This is the only program of its type on the Olympic Peninsula and served more than 1,000 children in 2013.
The Adult Employment Services Program (AES), a vocational rehabilitation program that provides supported employment services for job training and placement services within the community for more than 249 individuals with disabilities each year.
Kitsap Audubon is an all-volunteer organization devoted to the study and conservation of birds, wildlife and the environment.
Its monthly programs, field trips, and activities promote public understanding of the values of wildlife, plants and the environment; and its educational outreach and advocacy promote action to protect and preserve them for the future. Some of the projects your dollars have helped support:
Preservation of sensitive wildlife habitat
Scholarships for selected high school seniors
Wildlife viewing platforms and interpretive signs
Annual Kitsap Audubon Christmas Bird Count
Audubon Adventures curriculum materials for 4th-grade classrooms
Maintain nesting colonies for Purple Martin
Relocation of Osprey nest site
Telemetry equipment for owl research
To donate to the Kitsap Audubon Society Ann Sleight Memorial Fund, click here.

Kitsap County
Historical Society
The Kitsap County Historical Society and Museum collects, preserves, and exhibits the diverse culture, heritage and history of Kitsap County for the education and enjoyment of the public.
The Kitsap County Historical Society has been collecting and exhibiting artifacts from our region since 1948. Tens of thousands of objects, photographs, and archival materials preserve the history and culture of our region. Through selected exhibition of these artifacts, the museum shares many of the stories of Kitsap. Our popular permanent exhibits show the history of our region, allow a stroll down a local Main Street from the early 1900s, and offer hands-on learning. Rotating exhibits, developed by museum staff, community members, and guest curators, draw from the collections and the community to display new themes and historical topics.
Make a donation to the Kitsap County Historical Society Fund at KCF

Kitsap County
Parks Foundation
Kitsap County Parks Foundation is the nonprofit organization established to support the Kitsap County Parks Department. Donations and grants to the Kitsap County Parks Foundation help maintain and improve one of Kitsap’s most precious assets – 10,000 acres of public lands.
Make a donation to the Kitsap County Parks Foundation at KCF.

Saint Francis Center
Saint Francis Center – a Place of Refuge and Healing, is a proposed homeless shelter that will provide emergency and long-term room and board for homeless in the area. The long-term component is for those who wish to: be healed of the traumatic events in their lives, participate in drug and alcohol treatment programs, receive schooling or training, become employed, learn personal budgeting skills, and save money to eventually get their own apartment; thus, leaving the program, able to stand on their own.
The site will house 200 to 300 clients, with as many services as possible provided to the clients on the site.
The Center grounds will have 24/7 security both on the perimeter and within the facility. The sleeping areas for short-term and long-term clients will be separated. Clients will be given key cards that limit their access to certain areas on the grounds.
There will be offices and meeting rooms for the various service agencies to share. Plus, Center staff to do intake, food preparation, janitorial work, etc. There will also be a large kitchen and dining area and a couple medical exam rooms. Also, storage for bikes and what little belongings the clients brought with them.
If you would like to make this idea a reality, donate to St. Francis Center at KCF.