Welcome to
The Women's Giving Circle of the Kitsap Peninsula

We empower women to collectively fund grants that make an impact in our community.
The Women’s Giving Circle of the Kitsap Peninsula promotes philanthropy among women of all generations. Our grants support programs that uplift women and/or children in our community.
We are a group of socially-minded women with a deep desire to help our community, and we would love for you to join us! We bring women together for a few fun and meaningful gatherings each year where we can enjoy each other’s company, hear interesting presentations, and jointly decide which local nonprofits we want to help.
Your Membership, Your Impact
The Women’s Giving Circle of Kitsap Peninsula (WGCKP) is committed to being inclusive to women of all ages and stages of life. Our model of membership provides three giving levels ($1,000, $500, $250 annually). Every giving level offers our member donors full access to the activities of the Women’s Giving Circle and all the benefits of membership, including the right to vote in the selection of our annual grants’ recipients. The giving levels, defined as a “pro-rata vote share,” are used only as an administrative calculation any time WGCKP tabulates votes in the selection of grant recipients. Members may also choose a recurring monthly gift option, which includes additional “boost” support for the WGCKP.
Annual membership gifts are allocated: 50% to grant awards; 45% to WGC’s endowment fund; and 5% to administrative costs. Boost funds from members who opt for monthly giving will be allocated to annual grants or administrative costs, as needed.
For more information and to access the membership form, go to “View and Download Our Membership Form” in the circle below, or click the “Join or Renew Today” button above.
View our calendar to join us at one of our upcoming events!
Who we are.
What we do.
Why we do it.
Please come be a part of our circle!

(360) 698-3622
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© 2025 Kitsap Community Foundation