Philanthropy professionals have long recognized the importance of emotional engagement in fundraising, particularly during annual campaigns or initiatives focused on immediate donations. Indeed, recent research underscores the critical role of emotional intelligence in successful fundraising.
When it comes to charitable gift planning, however, such as helping a donor structure a legacy endowment gift, it’s tempting to approach the process as a primarily rational exercise. This is understandable given the complex tax and legal considerations involved in structuring various giving vehicles such as trusts, bequests, foundations, donor-advised funds, and beneficiary designations. Of course, it is crucial to address technical aspects to ensure donors' charitable intentions are fulfilled with tax benefits and financial goals in mind.
At the same time, you’ll want to be sure that the emotional dimension of charitable gift planning isn’t overlooked. Legacy giving offers psychological benefits. Endowment gifts, in particular, can offer donors a sense of immortality and a way to perpetuate their values beyond their lifetime. No doubt you’ve watched this in action as you’ve helped donors structure legacy gifts to your endowment fund at Kitsap Community Foundation and perhaps you've even played a role in facilitating a donor’s unique emotional and reflective process when considering such a gift.
Encourage your donors to consider the benefits of a legacy gift:
Create a lasting impact that aligns with their personal values
Leave a meaningful legacy that extends beyond their lifetime
Culminate a long history of support for your organization in a significant way
To maximize success in legacy fundraising, nonprofit organizations should strive to engage both the hearts and minds of your donors. Consider sharing inspiring stories and testimonials that illustrate the long-term impact of legacy gifts. To further build an emotional connection, you might even offer the donor exclusive events or site visits to help donors visualize the future impact of their gifts. On the rational side of the equation, you’ll find that working with the Kitsap Community Foundation team helps you provide clear information about the tax and legal aspects of various giving vehicles. Our team can also help you address concerns about administrative complexities and provide support throughout the giving process.
Please reach out anytime to the team at Kitsap Community Foundation to help you implement a balanced approach to tap into donors' emotional desires to make meaningful, lasting gifts while also ensuring that all technical aspects are properly addressed. We are here to help you develop more meaningful connections and ultimately achieve greater success in securing endowment and legacy gifts to keep your mission strong for generations to come.